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La Sirenita cd de edición especial limitada del cast original de Broadway solo lo puedes conseguir en playbillStore.com o de venta en el Lunt-Fontanne Theatre en New York City.
Esta edición especial del cast original tiene en el cd a Sierra Boggess como Ariel. Este cd es de colección, pre-ordena tu disco hoy!!!
Track Listing
Fathoms Below/Where I Belong - Sailors, Pilot, Prince Eric and Grimsby
Daughters of Triton - Mersisters
The World Above - Ariel
Human Stuff - Scuttle and Gulls
I Want the Good Times Back - Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam, Eels
Part of Your World - Ariel
Storm at Sea
Part of Your World (Reprise)- Ariel
She's in Love - Mersisters and Flounder
Her Voice - Prince Eric
The World Above (Reprise) - King Triton
Under the Sea - Sebastian and Sea Creatures
Under the Sea (Reprise) - Sebastian and Sea Creatures
Sweet Child - Flotsam and Jetsam
Poor Unfortunate Souls - Ursala, Ariel
Positoovity - Scuttle and Gulls
Beyond My Wildest Dreams - Ariel, Carlotta and Maids
Les Poissons - Chef Louis
Les Poissons (Reprise) - Chef Louis and Chefs
One Step Closer - Prince Eric
I Want the Good Times Back (Reprise) - Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam
Kiss the Girl - Sebastian and Animals
Sweet Child (Reprise) - Flotsam and Jetsam
If Only (Quartet) - Ariel, Prince Eric, Sebastian and King Triton
The Contest - Grimsby and Princesses
Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) - Ursula
If Only (Reprise) - King Triton, Ariel
Finale - Ariel, Prince Eric, Company
Información traducida de PlaybillStore.com